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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Not a done deal. You know better . You’d never do this in a snow event .
  2. It must be true. Stein on board Nothing can go wrong now!
  3. You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by... a smooth criminal
  4. Clouded over in CT for rest of the day as dews come in
  5. Hey.. if we all get inches of rain like you’re saying next week, I’ll be the first to salute you
  6. It’s a warm , humid air mass. It’s a warm system. To me it does apply
  7. I agree someone in the northeast gets a couple inches of rain. To me the best bet for that is NE Pa to VT and probably NJ/ NYC. Scooter has a rule about widespread qpf in warm months .Heavy qpf ends up much less widespread than modeled. Convection robs moisture transport. I still believe many of us see under .75 for the week
  8. They had a ton of rain this summer. That’s your difference
  9. I remember that mid week snow event prior to the tree crippler . It snowed much of the day and the hills had 1-2” . Little did anyone know what was coming that weekend
  10. Some decent color and some brown . Depends on species . Weeks ahead . Peak should be in 7-10 days ish
  11. I think the majority of us see well under .75. Some narrow zone( probably you again) sees a couple inches in training
  12. Buyers beware. How many times you gonna get burned? If the whole region gets several inches mid week then ok .. that will be great . We’ll see . I know what I see happening. Hope wrong
  13. Im Just as confident in getting under .50 thru the week
  14. Hope so Gene . The one caveat that has plagued us since last spring .. we’ve seen many model runs and ensembles showing widespread soakings like that depicts and it has ended up being in a relatively narrow zone . Outside that zone it’s rained, but not enough to help the drought . I have no doubts everyone sees raindrops over the next few weeks, but I do doubt everyone is soaked and Stein leaves
  15. AS Stein of us thought. Winners all summer from NE PA to VT keep winning . Rest lose
  16. One good month in Feb it appears https://www.bennollweather.com/ecmwf
  17. We shall see. He’s killed everything . Noyes said this morning he has serious doubts on significant rain
  18. Lol. They dry out in 2 days inside anyway. Though this year you can envision them browning and dropping needles in 2 days. They haven’t had water since Napril. Might not be a good year to cut your own
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