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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. We posted to folks yesterday to not ignore the NAM. It and Reggie drove that midlevel warmth inland 25-30 miles run after run. When the NAM drills mid level warming north , I always take notice
  2. We’ve got an event to track and most folks have no idea
  3. This was a one in 200 year kind of thing. Most of us don’t experience it. We had Nemo with 30-36” but it was long duration
  4. It’ll be interesting to see what you have OTG in the morning. Grass blades showing from sublimation?
  5. Yeah I’m not thinking it morphs into a wintry event. More just a basic fropa instead of a cut scream
  6. Is Pope ok? He forecast 0” in his town of Dover and none in BOS . He had 9” . Any sightings on any forum?
  7. What are your thoughts on the 24th system? Seems today trends are to lean colder with no Grinch cut
  8. Lol I know man. After its abysmal performance on this storm , it can’t be used
  9. It’s been years since we’ve had Currier & Ives Xmas scenes like we have. Something so magical and special about this feeling with the lights, the holidays, everting buried in snow. Especially after the year we’ve all been thru. December snow far and away is the best snow
  10. He’s close to Sherman , but almost always gets crewed
  11. For the first time since he moved there in the late 90’s, my dad in New Milford was the CT Jack at 16.5”. That area is typically a terrible snow hole in coastals
  12. It’s been gone off models since Tuesday really
  13. The sun has been out for 30 minutes and it’s been snowing light to moderate the entire time . Wild stuff today
  14. Nice man. I’d prefer that over the 12” powder
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