Outside? It’s been all inside celebrating Tgiving and Xmas with all family members youngest to oldest. Why be out when you can be in? The crazy thing is how excited everyone was for Jan and the good look vanished as fast as the snow
Should start ripping 50+ around 2;00 AM with 60+ between say 4 or 5:00 AM till 8-9. There’ll be a 1-2 hour window of strongest winds in there . Probably within an hour or two of the squall line . Up there may be a bit different though
Every 5-10 minutes now can start hearing the wind gusts increasing and ripping thru the trees out back . Temp up to 53 after being 49 when got home at 6:00. Had rained all the way home but the moon is now out with low clouds racing south north
Yeah it was solid pack all the way out there this morning. He had 16.5” inches. Normally that area is a relative snow hole though he lives near the Sherman border and is about 500’. But New Milford always seems to miss out . I’ll wake up to nothing here . Plan on getting up by 4:00 when the big gusts start
So far ES is doing better than they’ve ever done. I’m wondering though if it’s for show to make it appear that way and when there’s 900,000 out of power in the state tomorrow , if the repair time is fast
While the strongest winds of 60-70+ will only last 1-2 hours, there will be 4-6 hours prior to that of winds gusting 50-60mph. That in itself will cause big issues. South winds in NE cause problems