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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. When the ULL goes out south of LI.. SNE Akers does well. It’s a Ginx rule tried and true. The capture and stall there raises the stakes even more .
  2. Only question now is honing in on amounts. Is this a typical 6-10” event or can many folks go 1-2’?
  3. #1 Happy New Year # I think I can say this. Days and days and days of snows
  4. Gonna be a nice snower this one for C and SNE.. even to the coast. It’s all coming together. Hopefully it’s paste and not powder
  5. He just can’t let his internal battle he created with WD go. Still getting texts too
  6. Hopefully this a pastejob of mashed potatoes . We need to build a solid base for the mild days behind storm
  7. It only lets me set it on right side of decimal point to the tenth. So instead of letting do 72.39 it lets me do either 72.3 or 72.4. Unless there’s a way to change units . I changed the units on the temp and dew but didn’t see that I was able to on lat/long
  8. I googled it and that’s what it showed for TOL. I’ll gladly change it if you know what it should be
  9. I did but it’s not showing up yet. I joined it last night. I think it takes a few days to pick it up or something.
  10. Was all I could think about during run in pouring rain this morning. We need it to happen. You find the weather link to station? I saw Dendy posted it .
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