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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I agree with you. It’s fun talking about potential . And it may be there . But until that potential lies deep on our lawns and WSW are flying like farts from Ray at the bar in BOS that night , it remains just that.. potential. I’m excited, but cautious and persistent.
  2. My point is .. how many times can the boy cry wolf until no one listens? Until we actually have a snowstorm, it’s just guessing and hoping. Just because modeling shows patterns changing and snow.. it doesn’t mean it will happen. It certainly may, but it’s hard for most folks to get excited or to buy into these guarantees here of snowy pattern when we’ve been hearing that boy crying since Jan 5th. I truly hope things change and they’re right. I’m not saying you guys won’t be right.. just urging persistence until we’re looking into the barrel of the beast.
  3. Remember when I won WOTY? Would you prefer that person or the realist now?
  4. It was the 10th, then the 12th, then after the 15th. Then there was a storm the 18th.. then the 20th. Now it’s the 23rd
  5. Fish gets it . Persistence forecasting . Not modelology
  6. Scooter truly believes he is high and mighty here and will force himself and opinions on everyone. We just brush that arrogance aside and post what we feel is best and correct. You learn to understand his ways and what his intentions are . Just be yourself and don’t let him get you down.
  7. Every day since Jan 5th it’s gotten pushed back a day . It’s uncanny . Now we’re out to the 23rd. Don’t worry, they say heavy snows next week
  8. Only way to forecast /think right now is pattern persistence. How will the atmosphere next week and after find ways to continue the dry and boring ?
  9. Laying out? Washing and waxing the cars? Laying sod maybe? How are you enjoying it?
  10. Sunny days in the winter suck. Hate them. Glad we me not thee
  11. We cloudy and cold yet another day. Couple hours of sun this morning and that’s it rest of the week. At least if it can’t snow , it’s been cloudy and cold
  12. When was the last time he got a forecast right? He has been a joke the last few years. I don’t even read his stuff anymore
  13. Lol at the weenies. All the models you guys are using to say snowy next week show a flip to snow Sat evening
  14. It does look like it ends as a period of snow for inland SNE Saturday evening. Maybe drop an inch in terrain.
  15. If you really think about it.. to lose literally 20-25 days of January with nothing.. no snow.. nothing. We’ve literally lost an entire month. That’s assuming these calls of multiple snowers happen after the 25th
  16. It initially was the 10th.. then the 15th.. then the 20th.. now it’s the 23rd . See a pattern ?
  17. Keeps getting pushed back everyday. Few more and it’s the wire to wire snowless
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