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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. You can really rack it up in this . Reminds me of that Morch firehose storm. That low level stuff just kept regenerating
  2. NAM and Reggie nailed Taunton area getting above freezing and paste
  3. All those models that had that snow hole over ORH down to here.. all wrong . Those never ever work like that
  4. Just took a few measurements. I hate windy storms. 11” avg. Should end around 14-15” total based on radar
  5. He disappeared. Has he been in NYC forum? At least man up and admit you were wrong
  6. Euro blew it up there. Dendy ends up over 20”. Thought he was getting 2-4”
  7. That deform should pivot back SE across the entire region later this morning
  8. Man radar looks sick. Over performance written all over it
  9. It goes flurries to steady light to moderate in about 45 minutes
  10. We gotta get him onto the IPA’s. He’s a natural
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