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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. GEFS look favorable for Monday/ Tuesday. Op tossed as usual
  2. No I knew he was doing that. He’s 50/50 on a snow event .. even to the coast
  3. Small tsunamis from area lakes interrupting Christmas dinners where folks still have power
  4. It’s hard to imagine looking out at this deep snow and winter landscape with snow on all the trees, roofs, massive banks.. all wiped out in a matter of hours. But it’s coming. It’s so disheartening. Replaced with wires, and trees downed , branches on cars etc.
  5. This certainly has a chance to change to snow similar to the one a few Saturdays ago. If it bombs a secondary south of LI under the block. Certainly a chance that happens. Several options on table
  6. Wil, Walt says there’s a chance. I could certainly envision rain changing to a thumping wet snow
  7. Next week’s snow turned to rains to Maine’s overnight. Is there anyway that one can be snow?
  8. That map is terrible . It’s about 6” light everywhere
  9. I think the Monday/ Tuesday storm is snow or rain changing to thumping snow
  10. What do you have chances at solid 1” pack surviving ?
  11. How widespread do you think the damaging winds will be? I’ve seen some eye popping soundings . Similar to the one in Nov?
  12. Imagine the amount of damage a Suslak one will cause
  13. Unfortunately it cleared out here in the last hour. Need to get clouds back in
  14. The Monday / Tuesday timeframe next week looks very snowy. Big potential there
  15. Timing of the cold front seems to be early to mid morning west to east. Seems like a 12-15 hour period of torrential rain, damaging wind and dews. A place like Hunch will keep snowpack , but I think most others will lose most of it. Looks like a change to snow at the tail end.
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