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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Only for a very small area in DE Maine though. Which is still a viable option
  2. What? You’re one of the few who still doesn’t get that you don’t look at qpf and snow maps. At some point, you’d figured you’d follow and understand
  3. That’s throwing accumulating snow back to the river T, W. And it’s the Gfs
  4. The GFS? And a snowmap from it? Come on man. You’re better than this
  5. Nothing ever was showing a massive blockbuster. This always has been and still is a solid 6” snowfall over a good chunk of the area. With local zones getting 8-10
  6. Did you guys up north that got 2” or more melt today or did it stay below freezing? Not Phin or Freak who are in their own microclimates. I mean normal locations.
  7. Yes. I’m not sure exactly the date, but it’s being replaced by the HRRX I believe . It’s a relatively useless model other than convection
  8. It’s not ever given any weight. You do know it’s being discontinued this year right?
  9. What was your forecast for your area in terms of amounts? You ended up with 8” right?
  10. Never ever fails.. when things look bleak Tip finds good things to say.. when things look good he finds ways to ruin everything
  11. I think some folks are getting caught up with snow maps and qpf. You’d think they would have learned after the Dec 17 storm . Bigger amounts always go waaay NW of where the highest zones are on models. I think som people are looking the Euro snow map for example and thinking that’s the only area to get 6-10
  12. Elevation will be vital in this . If you’re looking to Jack. Most I know don’t care
  13. And BOX will go watch for all of interior SNE in the next 12-18 hours
  14. Yeah . It’ll be interesting to see what the dews are tomorrow morning . If they’re 30-31.. Then it’s paste . Mid 20’s. Paste to powder
  15. We sit and spin and MPM days and days . When you see deep easterly inflow at 850 like that in winter.. you see snow
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