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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Still don’t get why the title of thread says inland runner when it’s not .
  2. At least you get a couple inches tomorrow and have had pack for a few weeks as minimal as it is. In SNE it’s been a month in the dead of winter. Almost impossible to do.. even in the 80’s it may not have happened that I recall
  3. Are you prepared for a bunch of 1-3” ers?
  4. Because In talking with him he’s very meh on the pattern and acknowledges any “snowstorm” is not highly likely thru months end
  5. There’s no one here that takes more insults than me. I get it . I like to bust and have fun, but there’s some people that don’t understand. It’s totally fine usually. Occasionally it does get nasty towards me, but that’s when you know it’s time to walk away, I don’t Scooter means anything bad when he gets nasty . I consider him a true friend. We’ve hung out many times.
  6. You def insult me.. but I can handle it and understand
  7. Ryan has snow showers Thursday and Friday next week and that’s it. Doesn’t have the period of snow modeled Sat night or Mon.. and no big storms thru day 10
  8. I have zero recollection of that. Honestly
  9. This pattern absolutely will not allow for a big un. Nor a big Pun. The PAC won’t allow Take the dimes and look towards other years
  10. There’s not gonna be a big one at all. But if it can snow lightly every couple days.. there’s very few here who wouldn’t welcome that . When you are without something you love for so long, yearning makes the heart grow fonder.
  11. So many of us in SNE should wake up to snow OTG Sunday morning with some 1” amounts and a bit more in spots. Then a couple 1-4” events next week. Better than what we’ve had since Dec 17th
  12. Grab 1-3” Sat night and another couple early week and it’ll look wintry
  13. Yup all this posting about sunny and mild lol. It’s a frozen wasteland out there
  14. Will the kids play on their tablets and your iPhone 4S all weekend?
  15. Actually yes . Enjoy the kids inside this weekend down there
  16. I happen to believe we do find a way to have snowpack next week. I was serious about the norlun post. I think there’s several chances for 1-4” events next week. That’s all most here want .
  17. Sunshine lol. It’s been a nice cloudy cold week other than a few hours of sun Wed AM
  18. Do the posters that said it’s coming still feel this way? Asking for friends
  19. Wills gone. All anyone needs to know
  20. Maybe there’s a shot at a Norlun next week with the suppressed lows extending an arm?
  21. Will doesn’t like this , but persistence wins until proven otherwise . Seem appropriate?
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