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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Because I’m a gangsta Gavin fun, never leave the pad without packing a gun
  2. This is 4 or 5 storms in a row the EPS has gotten wrong. Batting .000 this season
  3. It won’t be a huge outbreak but they’ll be around. It takes a couple dry years . We are in midst of first year now
  4. When do you think gypsies will hatch? Maybe April . Perfect winter for them going into spring
  5. By the time this south trend is over it may not snow north of Philly. Unreal
  6. Children can use as pucks for pond hockey
  7. Doggy doo stays uncovered cracked and frozen
  8. Have to imagine EPS is going to noticeably south today
  9. I agree with you overall . I tried to look past it, but I certainly worried about this past October. I think even the most steadfast of it doesn’t matter folks worried to some degree
  10. Steined all summer .. he goes away all autumn and decides to return and set up shop all winter. Planting and inserting his drought weenie into every snow loving New Englander
  11. Ukie ugly . Basically 1-3” south of 90 and nada north . Not sure if that’s better or worse than 00z
  12. What did your first call arrows have for that one?
  13. How many times are you going to criticize WD on that? We all make mistakes.. even Scooter. Enoughs enough . He tried his best
  14. I thought I recalled that looked like 3-6 or 4-8 initially .
  15. The one that we all thought 4-8” and you got 2” and I had 1”
  16. Congrats on the neggy NAO to all. Let’s keep it all winter. Hip hip hooray
  17. Starting to agree with persistence forecasting?
  18. This could be that NYD catastrophe again
  19. Will jacks in almost every event. Doesn’t matter if he’s in ORH or Holliston . Doesn’t matter if it’s snow or an icestorm. It’s uncanny how it happens.
  20. I dunno. I’m picturing a radar looking like that NYD debacle. Models spit out 3-6” and most ended up 1-2” . I envision a fractured , shredded radar .
  21. What you thinking for NE CT? D-1” seems possible I guess
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