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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Lot of 1” amounts tonight . The disturbance down over Philly/NJ rotates thru
  2. Meaning you think congrats ALB to Freak and east rains?
  3. I sent mine earlier too. 12.3” That 2” pre Dawn yesterday made the difference .
  4. Acton seems like the winner in Mass. Tip!!
  5. Angry storm submissions? Each one a little angrier than the last
  6. Still have very fine flakes here. Probably grab an inch tonight in many spots with that disturbance down near Philly moving thru
  7. It’s snow to mix inland.Probably ends as drizzle or cold light rain.Certainly no mild cutter
  8. Snowy Friday inland may end as a mix and then we’ll see if Sunday is real
  9. There was no rain other than SE CT. Maybe you had zrdz and snow grains
  10. After midnight it’s probably another 1-3” by morning.. so we’ll meet in middle
  11. Persistent pattern of snowless was finally broken. Now it’s a persistent pattern of snow. Keep calling for snow and you’ll win
  12. Had 1.8” last hour . Up to 9.8”. I think I’ll pull 12”
  13. Radar has that look. You guys down there definitely maxed this one!
  14. Slot totally filling in. Seems like 700 stays right along S coast and slinks ENE
  15. Ryan had snow Friday and said another biggie Sunday. Said he looked at op Euro and closed it and inserted the snow icon for Sunday
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