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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. When is start time? Seems like it’s snowing all around me
  2. This has been the longest I can recall it taking things to saturate . Keep waiting
  3. You’re all alone on your low totals. I know you’re trolling with that silly map but it makes you look very bad. Just letting you know
  4. Why are we looking at models now? Lol. Good lord . Just use radar
  5. It’s amazing how nice radar looks around Philly.. all streaming into SNE. The fact it’s raining down there indicates things are farther west than globals. They’re under a WSW and it’s 36 and raining
  6. Snow is coming the next few weeks.. and a lot of it
  7. It’s into DXR area with reports of light snow falling . Give it an hour or so
  8. Agreed. 5 or 6” here and 7-8” you Starting later and ending later than I thought. Props to Scoots on that
  9. Yeah that’s what it looks like . Other than HRRR hi res stuff is catching it. We’ll see
  10. It looks very robust. Everything looks on track . Href/ NAm like
  11. Radar down south looks very good and snow is farther west than even NAM had
  12. You can generally find these and I have these in order best to not quite best: Based on IPA’s only Abomination - anything from them is A+ Marlowe- - another brewery you will not go wrong Short Throw- great brewery from LI.. all good Hoof Hearted- have not had a bad one Fat Orange Cat- greatly upped their game since started brewing at 12% in North Haven.
  13. I did see some crusted snow banks at both breweries so it had to have accumulated there to some degree . Maybe they got an inch or two?
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