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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Jerry.. try Google. There’s a plethora of articles and research on possible side effects. I’m not trying to start trouble. To each their own. Hope things work out for everyone
  2. Well then you are not doing your due diligence. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. At least do some research. It’s not hard to find
  3. There’s many many folks that will take their chances with Covid over far worse long term effects. To each their own
  4. Hmmmm.. how about Alzheimer’s, dimentia or the myriad of other possible side effects studies are showing?
  5. Do you sleep most of the daytime away though?
  6. Put models away man. It’s not a cold wet pattern. At some point you d got to man up and enjoy warm sunny weather . I think your issue is you are a 3rd shifter and are up all night and want rain and dark to sleep . The world doesn’t work that way and thankfully neither does our weather. We sunny and warm and then hot as seasons progress
  7. No one had 70’s. But yes there’ll be a couple days of 60’s
  8. It does to me. I see the pacific flow taking over. A -NAO doesn’t mean the pattern buckles over NE. This isn’t that setup . It’s east
  9. They could be right with a rainy cold week.. but there’s a ton of spread . Could easily be wet and cold ENE while areas west are ok . Or even ENE may salvage a nice day or 3. EPS has been so bad .. it’s hard to buy into a week of cold rains . My gut says it ends up weaker and east and some of the mild air in the Midwest gets in here for at least several days . Maybe one not so nice day . Progressive pattern
  10. There’s likely a fair amount of truth in that
  11. Looks like another congrats SE CT Ginx over to SE Mass Scooter area on the heavy rain with areas NW boned again relatively speaking
  12. To what? 60’s and dry . That’s what’s coming next week
  13. Yeah I’m not sure what a couple folks are referring to. Def the farther NE you go the more danger , but even there doesn’t look bad at all. Any coastal communities esp in MA will be cooler . I think that’s why they worry
  14. Planning on sunny days in 60’s all next week after Easter. Nothing has changed in days
  15. Ride the Gefs it seems they have best handle
  16. Ryan’s got 60’s to near 70 everyday next week other than Sunday
  17. Only difference is you get earlier and later frosts
  18. Tulips are up and not far from flowering, lilacs have little almost bloom green leaves on them , lawns are quickly greening .. magnolias have blossoms.. there’s a ton of stuff growing well ahead of schedule . At 1k that’s pretty significant for late Morch. The valley is even farther along . They’ll have to mow within 2 weeks with the overall mild pattern continuing
  19. Just let Scoots downplay what overall looks like a mild dry pattern. It’s a rite of spring
  20. This is the time of year I’ve noticed you worry so much about NE winds. Not a concern away from coast. If suns out it’s into the 60’s and cool nights
  21. Furnace coast to coast and up north. Looking good
  22. WTTTE. All they mentioned was payback and poopy
  23. It also ruined the Dec 6 snow. We had 6-7 “ of paste and it stayed OTG right up to the Dec 17th storm. Almost all Dec was deep winter here. And it vanished faster than Ray from the bar at the BWI wx conference
  24. We basically have 2-3 winter months now. Usually always Feb. Some years it’s JAN or DeC. but usually not both . Sucks but it’s real
  25. Ummm when you follow someone on Twitter.. it appears on your feed. You can’t avoid seeing it
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