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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. TBH I hope that someone is right, but man things look brutal thru day10. If you take modeled qpf and slash it like you typically always do. all of NE is in trouble heading into summer . I can’t even fertilize . I missed my window
  2. Stein Stein Everywhere is Stein F@&$n up the shrubbery , breaking our wells No rain , don’t get rain Can’t you read the Stein
  3. NAM is even worse and farther SW. It’s not done moving west yet. We hang. Stein pulls noose tight , kicks the chair out from under
  4. Ryan has Stein really extending his webbed hands for CT next 10. Couple showers . Next week looks decent
  5. Was anyone naked? All that could be seen was Man buns and weenies floating on top of water
  6. It keeps delaying and pushing back rain to later. In the wx world you know that generally means denied. Always has looked like a congrats NYC on WSW to me anyway .
  7. Under an inch thru day 10 in many areas.
  8. He won’t ever admit I’ve had the right idea. It’s all good
  9. Can’t really lock anything in other than to go with persistence and figure things will break better than the gloom and doomers. Prob a couple sub par days in 50’s with scattered showers and a couple that end up with some and 60’s. Not great, not awful .. manageable
  10. Brrrr.. lol if this is ugh week in CT in Napril I’ll sign up every time and get back in line and sign again
  11. There’s going to be sunny periods / days next week along with a few instability showers and periods /days of clouds We’ve seen far worse . Don’t let them fool you
  12. Sounds frigid and soaking wet and snowy So what the forecast will show will be low chance of showers each day, along with more clouds than sun and temperatures near normal. Will it be a washout each day? Nope. Basically a pretty typical stretch of spring weather for southern New England
  13. Normal spots should approach 80 Saturday. Can envision lots of 77-79. Maybe one tickles 80
  14. Unfortunately the next 4 years are going to be filled with some terrible decisions . Already happening. Hopefully the country can get thru this nightmare. When do you go back to office or are you WFH all the time?
  15. If they did .. we’d be living in communist China
  16. Oh it was 2005. That’s the year that Tip laments about. That spring was like a summer in San Francisco . Just brutal . We moved into this house in May of that year in rain , wet snow and 35 degrees with a 7 month pregnant wife
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