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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Yeah you can see how the last 5 -7 days or so gets warm to even hot in here
  2. Guess where the elevations are .
  3. I’m not sure. I don’t see anything showing snow threat in SNE. The low looks to ride over NNE. Maybe more of a severe threat for us?
  4. And now it’s snowing again here
  5. It just won’t melt. No sun is not helping
  6. Man the Euro was bad on this. Especially up in NNE
  7. This is so great. Can’t stop laughing. Best thing to ever happen to the board,
  8. Dead until later May and June. He’ll be back . In a neighborhood near all of us . He’s like the hotel California. He checks out anytime he likes, but he never leaves. Welcome to the Hotel afornia
  9. Still have 4” left at least . Let’s melt and torch
  10. This is why you don’t go on trips with dilfs to unfamiliar remote places
  11. Scoots said yesterday when the HRRR locks in 10-12 runs in a row it tends to be lethal. When it jumps around it fails
  12. One final wintry scene this evening as we close out the snow season and move onto dews discussion and installs
  13. Yeah we need a Stein. I suspect Dendys already set the wheels in motion
  14. +7.1” 62.7” Final total 60” is average
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