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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. He also was a heavy smoker which they attributed to his death
  2. That could easily be south of SNE. He’s talking about more cold shots. They done .Tippy’s been discussing this for a week. After tomorrow cold is gone
  3. Not expecting anything here. Probably DXR to Belchtown , then fizzle
  4. Next week goes from 60 Monday to 75+ middle and end of week. Tomorrow’s it. It’s over
  5. I’m one of the most fun people you’ve ever hung out with
  6. I hear you loud and clear. There’s certainly issues and effects. What those are, remain to be seen. Similar to Covid vaccinations later in life
  7. I don’t know enough about them . What I do know is any drug , has some type of negative side effects on the body. I’ve never done any drugs. Beer is all that I drink .Never smoked weed. Not once. Never taken a puff of a cig. I only brought that up last night because there was discussion of beer / weight
  8. But we were talking about beer in conjunction with weight . Marijuana is bad for things too. Everyone has different likes
  9. Bottom line.. as long as you burn off calories with exercise weight should not be an issue in tandem with watching caloric intake. It’s why diets don’t work . They lose weight, go off it and gain more back
  10. Knees are great. Thanks for asking . What’s your weight?
  11. Reading an issue of high times on the phone , hits from a blunt or bong vs a few IPA’s. Sleep and clean healthy lungs are no issue for choice 2
  12. Another of many negatives for the weed users here https://drugabuse.com/blog/cant-sleep-try-putting-down-the-marijuana-seriously/
  13. I stay in that range . Knowing that I’m going to have a few IPA’s at night. Run 4 days a week. Marathon days behind me .. For me anyway.. it works
  14. As long as folks run or get moderate cardiac exercise of some type 4-5 days per week and stick to 1200 calories of food intake per day , they can drink as much beer as they want. The weight gain isn’t from the beer, it’s from too much food , and not enough caloric burning by being sedentary
  15. Hit that brewery a few weeks ago . Decent but not great. That particular one is not great. They have one called Lit, which is very good
  16. Haven’t been down there in years. We beer
  17. Pollen season in Full MF effect . All over the vehicles and everything. Awful time of year
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