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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. You hung out with Graham and I know damn well he would not ever get it. We didn’t have to wear masks in the shop ever . Was great
  2. Man I miss the old days. Just total domination . We will never see anything like that again. Even when Yanks won in 96,97,98 and 2000. We will never see anything close to that. It’s basically be very good for 3-5 years and win 1 WS, 2 if everything breaks your way before the team falls apart . I mean this for all of MLB . Different game now
  3. NE CT here is at least 85% SOX fans . You can find Yanks fans anywhere too but we are the minority. HFD seems to be the dividing line , kind of on a NW to SE line . I was born in Jersey and lived there until I was almost 8. So I was born into being a Yanks fan
  4. The Yankees problem is very clear. They are right handed dominant lineup and the philosophy has been load the lineup with RH HR hitters and wait for the 3run HR. And that philosophy never has and never will win a championship. And that’s all Cashman. He is so in love with power and HR and marquee names , that he loses sight on what actually wins championships. That’s pitching, and defense . Period. This current team doesn’t hit, has zero speed, is the worst in MLB in base running , and the defense has been awful. Mix in guys like Gleybor and Sanchez just not being the players we thought they were, covid , injuries and a one dimensional team..well the results speak for themselves. You’re left with a fairly inept .500 team
  5. No more than 5. Mainly his management of the bullpen
  6. Nah.. I don’t think that. I do think he needs to go , but in general.. the faults of this teAm, aside from injuries, Covid etc aside.. fall on Cashman . I think his days here are.. or at least should be numbered. He has not done well in the big picture
  7. It’s 50/50. My area of the state.. really from about HFD northeast is Sox. But there’s many Yanks mixed in. You go SW of HFD.. it’s 95% Yanks. The rest is Sox and a few lonely Mets fans interspersed. I married into a diehard Sox family. I mean diehard. I met her in 91. Married in 2000. I had bragging rights for days and days .. years and years.. and then… that one Um playoff series. My world changed forever . And I will be the first to admit.. I miss the late 90’s and early 2000’s
  8. I wonder if any other Yanks fans share my sentiments? I guess it’s just me in here. Everyone else either moved on or is a Sox fan or a Mets fan who will win the division solely because they are the best team in the worst division in MLB
  9. Yes. I would never preach or tell anyone to not get a shot if they fell they need it. In turn , I also expect them to not preach to those that choose not to get it. The evidence is clear in who is susceptible. So to each their own. It’s that simple
  10. I actually did go today . See banter thread
  11. If Sale is half the SP he used to be and they go out and obtain a #3 or even low end 4, they run away with the east and have a great chance to win the pennant. As a Yankees fan that is truly painful. I thought this was going to be their year. I really did . I was so excited . Baseball is far and away my favorite sport and I spend so much time with it . And then each “ worse loss of the season “ keeps happening and few weeks ago , I realized that if I didn’t resign myself that the season was done, I legit was going have heart attack no matter my health. This pill has been very hard to swallow . You guys have a very good team and should embrace it because good on paper teams can rip your heart out. As it was today. .. this was my remote as the 5th run scored. The cover is broken
  12. I could see 2 cane hits from late Aug thru late Sept based on this pattern
  13. There’s also not a Sox fan here who thought this team would be good. If anyone posts they thought they’d be the best team in the AL, then they will lose 3-0 in the opening round
  14. And I posted this when it was 4-1
  15. There’s not a Yankees fan here today who thought they’d win this game based on the way this season has gone
  16. The folks who have not gotten the shot are not and have never been afraid of the flu virus. It was about protecting the vulnerable. It’s not difficult to understand
  17. The Yankees season has taken more years off my life this year than Covid ever could. I’ve had to distance myself to some degree to avoid several heart attacks
  18. I have so many customers in all 6 NE states that are still not allowing visitors. It’s just so bad and laughable what the media and scare tactics have done to this country. This is not the country I grew up in
  19. It’s mind boggling that anyone is legitimately scared or concerned about Covid . Vax or unvax lol It ended so many months ago.
  20. Do you believe that will verify? With the soil moisture?
  21. Let’s see if we can get some soakers later today after a few hours of sun
  22. I see today, Tuesday PM/ Wednesday PM and Thursday
  23. Do you see a dry week like Scootstein does?
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