In the winter everyone south of NH border would be fearing flips to ice then rain. You can hold warm fronts back then to typically 15-20 miles inland. Freak and Dendy would be salivating and smiling. This time of year not to hold it back . Won’t be totally shocked if it gets to pike at some point
I think Everyone about ORH south he’s in that 3-7” range. That’s wild . Especially considering water tables are at ground level and most of it falls in 6-8 hours
The existing flash flood watch has been expanded further
north to include the urban areas of Springfield, Worcester, and
Boston. An expansion of this watch further northward may be
necessary in future updates.
There’s going to be good winds all across SNE. What was missing in Henri was a HP to the north creating a gradient. We have that now. This could cause problems over the entire area. The question is.. are they 30-40 inland or are they 40-55?