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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Most parents would never dream of having their kids get it. Especially that young . Good lord
  2. S Wey and Wey rocked . His hood potentially hit Not to mention .. look at radar. Training that way with maybe another 1”?
  3. We’d like to just see you say.. “ hey, I misread this one”. That doesn’t even say you were wrong . Just something
  4. Why never admit you’re mistakes? See July thread
  5. He knows. That’s why he mehs. It’s killing him . He bust
  6. Terrible call on your part. When you meh. Things happen . No matter season . Looks like another 1” plus for you in S Wey
  7. Downtown Hotford about to get crushed. With no warning up
  8. That was a legit 5 min gust front . One of best I’ve seen . Storm blowing up to west
  9. What a gust front that just blew thru here. Impressive
  10. That storm in NW HFD county is severe. Blowing up
  11. Springfield will have damage. Strong wind sig
  12. Line is monster mode. It hit that environment we mentioned and kaboom . Should head right to the SE coast in weaker fashion
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