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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Considering how the cape has missed just about every rain event going back to last summer , you should go. Wagons will continue north
  2. Oh there’s several folks here that do that exact thing. They’ve posted it. Freak is one of them . Agreed, it’s insane
  3. Certainly the folks that took out AC and thought it was windows open for 7-10 days are in for a rather rude and abrupt sweaty awakening next week
  4. Yeah that’s a given this year. Can’t rule out two direct hits based on the war, Great Lakes trough and favorable MJO
  5. Quick bounce back to furnace and dews August style
  6. You don’t need surface based instability for nocturnal or early AM spinner threats or low topped wind damage stuff. The warm front lifts to about I-90 by Fri morning but the storms form along that as it moves north. With the front, increasing dews and low level spin, coupled with warm waters.. all ingredients are there. I’d be leaning for them to move the threat north by tomorrow morning update . 3k Nam looks great . SNE threat is after dark tomorrow night into wee hours of Fri
  7. It looks to me like they bring it north based on triple point continuing coming north on models
  8. That day they had 6” helped . I’m at 15.73”
  9. We’ll see what happens tomorrow night. That should put this area over 16” for month.
  10. Those are vaccines in the true sense. Covid vaccine is not. They threw it together in a hurry and time will tell, but there are going to be big issues down the road based on art blues, studies, links posted in this thread and elsewhere. No one knows for certain exactly what , only that health issues are likely . None of us have ever gotten a flu shot. Half the time they don’t even have the right strand and we rarely if ever get the flu . And if you get the flu , guess what.. you get better. So why would healthy people feel the need to get this shot other than being scared by the media? If you’re healthy and get Covid… you get better .. just like any other flu .
  11. Looks like a Tor threat Thursday night. Night of the killer Tor’s?
  12. Combine Covid, folks that don’t understand vac poison and beer. You’ve got yourself a veritable powder keg. And it goes up in a hurry
  13. There is not a parent in their right mind that would inject their kids with this poison, Risking later in life pregnancy issues in females amongst many other things. I mean come on
  14. Most parents would never dream of having their kids get it. Especially that young . Good lord
  15. S Wey and Wey rocked . His hood potentially hit Not to mention .. look at radar. Training that way with maybe another 1”?
  16. We’d like to just see you say.. “ hey, I misread this one”. That doesn’t even say you were wrong . Just something
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