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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Dude calls no dews and no AN and then says he didn’t. Not you
  2. NAM helictites are high right across SNE up into SNH. This reminds me of that setup in July with the Somers TOR that box missed while rifling thru a box of Chips Ahoy
  3. Long way to go. While I am very excited about their play the last month .. and the fact they’ve gained 9.5 games on the Sox in 3 weeks .. the hill is still very steep . Just happy they’re in the conversation because in early Julorch .. they were not
  4. As bad tiday as was good in that GW double in 9th at Fenway a few weeks ago by him . I love Loaisaiga
  5. I was wondering if anyone would follow my post . Good job to you and Dendy. That was a game Yanks would have lost earlier in season . Going to be a battle these last 43 games for sure.
  6. Including Nammy they all take Freddie west of SNE. We take
  7. That’s why I did that. That’s spin city. You spin me round like a record baby right round
  8. Lol. Mountain Rd in Stowe completely washed out and separated from society.
  9. That feeder band would be potential spinner city all across SNE as it traverses the region. Then bridge disaster for VTwith synoptic downpours
  10. NAM takes Frederick way west leaving us on severe wx side with potential spinners and dews to Maine’s . You’d think Euro follows suit . Makes sense with War flex and Henri getting stronger and closer
  11. In winter wed sell op runs wouldn’t we? Don’t see how with Freddie going west up over ALB to BTV you get into cold NE flow there ?
  12. Yeah all of SNE Dew cie dew your partner. Days and days and days Warm & humid pattern with 850 mb temps above normal on both the GEFS and EC ensembles. Thus nighttime low temps will run warmer than normal given high dew pt airmass over the region. Dew pts peak Fri/Sat and Sun, with a model blend offering 70-75 dew pts!
  13. I couldn’t care less about heat. I like high dews. And we have had and will continue to have a record high dewpoint summer . Let’s ride that right thru Labor Day and then it will get cold
  14. An absolute furnace of a month and Stein. Record warm June and possibly top 3 August sandwiched between a record wet and dewpoint July. What a summer . Send rain please.
  15. It’s the kind of 5-7 day stretch of dews where folks have to shower 2-3x per day even if in AC and change boxers at least that often
  16. Let him go. Dude thinks a cool wet week and no warmth or dew and fall weather with wood smoke and pumpkin spiced Cheerios is coming
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