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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Look at all the green trees in BTV. Amazing . Looks like DC
  2. First measurable snow event looks like Tuesday the 23rd for SNE
  3. Lol. Exactly the same. I had to bite the bullet when the girls ripped it up sledding over the years . Sometimes had to look away
  4. Yeah . It’s just how I’m programmed . I get everyone is different. There’s no way I could ever wait until all leaves are down to do it. Not only would I not be able to finish in one day due to the weight and volume of leaves, looking out at a mess of a lawn is not something I am capable of. Same with the vehicles . I wash my company car almost as much as my truck . And if those are clean and I have the time. My wife’s and daughters car also get done
  5. Without a doubt. And cleaning the vehicles probably 3-4 years
  6. They were a bit wet when i started, but still blew relatively easy. The Oaks will continue dropping this year for several more weeks. The ones that don’t by then will in large part hold on until spring . I have a feeling it snows near or right Tgiving.. and that may end the leaf blowing. If it melts, I’ll have to get back out for one last cleanup. Those green vines in the backyard I have never seen that happen. Usually everything is dead and brown .
  7. Today was beast mode on leaves. That was the lions share. Took almost 5 straight hours of blowing .. beds , lawn , everything. Leaf seasons that last past Tgiving like this year absolutely blow.
  8. Other than the snowstorm modeled Tgiving weekend.. sure
  9. Things headed right at your house in S Wey
  10. Looks like it missed his house south by a few miles but it was OTG. He’d better get damage videos tomorrow and post
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