I am lactose intolerant and actually more people are than they realize. If you’ve got intestinal issues, very good chance it’s lactose . I have a ton of food allergies. Tomatoes, dairy , bananas some nuts along with many others . So I’ve learned what I can’t eat . Cows milk is so bad for the human body . Our bodies are not meant to digest it . I haven’t had a piece of pizza, macaroni and cheese, cheese on a sandwich etc etc in probably 8-10 years. I miss it , but I’ve adapted . I used to have uber high cholesterol. My dad had a heart attack at our wedding . Literally on the dance floor. I used that as my motivation. I swore I would never let my health get to how his was. It’s a mind set . People think I’m crazy for running 7 marathons, getting up at 4:30 to run in the morning. There’s a reason for me personally to do what I do . I am stubborn and I made a personal decision to do this as long as physically possible . What I do won’t work for everyone . But if you want to lower cholesterol.. it works