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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. You’ve been talking about snowers and plowable events since late October. How has that worked ?
  2. This looks like a 1-2” event for everyone. Falls at marginal temps, so probably has trouble accumulating on roads especially by water . We’ll get to enjoy it OTG until Friday when it’s wiped clean and then watch the - PNA destroy the entire rest of Dec with a furnace
  3. It freaking blows . We’ve got absolutely nothing to look forward to winter wise. Just depressing
  4. Absolutely brutal looking month right up to and thru Xmas. Furious winter forecast rewrites being worked on now unfortunately
  5. What a mess of a winter . It’s quite possible we go mainly snow free the whole month
  6. Great to hear Jer! Get home and get well and get snowy !
  7. We lost the damaging wind and the snowstorm . Weather sucks
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