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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Me doing the lawn got the neighbors out to do theirs. Dudes got the cheapest , weakest blower .
  2. Lol.. that’s not a bad synopsis right there. We agree on leaves and lawn care
  3. Soundings look great for damaging wind gusts.
  4. When Hunch still has loads of leaves on his trees in that location.. you know it’s a very late fall. I was up there yesterday in Fitchburg, Leominster.. Trees were jammed with leaves
  5. There’s still some of Oak species that have lots left. Tomorrows wind will knock most down . Then it’ll be stragglers into Dec
  6. That would be nice but the way the LR looks with fast Pacific flow into early Dec, not much to look forward to.
  7. After yesterdays brownouts .. it finally looks like November. Still a lot of Oaks to drop , but I can look up at them and not feel quite as stressed as I did thinking how many weeks of cleanup left.
  8. First flakes seem likely for at least the hills on Monday before furnace returns later next week.
  9. We had a leaf fungus on those this year with all the rain. Most of those around here.. and thankfully there’s not many .. dropped in Sept. Just turned brown and dropped . I don’t have any of those but there’s a few scattered around .
  10. Ummm. The Oaks are still loaded on some species. We will all be doing last cleanups in early Dec.
  11. If you go straight back from the shed .. about 1/3 acre back .. there’s a stream that in normal years dries up . This year with over 62” of rain … it’s been flowing all spring , summer and fall
  12. Yup. We on the same page. You’ve got to keep up with them. I’ll ask anti blower guys like Ginx and Scoots who like to rake due to the noise hurting their ear drums. How exactly would they suggest I clean off my deck? Should I scoop them all up by hand . Should I rake n scoop ? And then what comes next? Get garbage cans? Stuff them into Hefty bags ? 1-2 hours of work .. Or do I throw on the Stihl backpack 600 and blow them off the deck onto the lawn disaster in under 5 minutes and blow the whole shebang the hell into the woods.
  13. Only to have the rain and wind Friday destroy all our work
  14. It is so stressful. Just thinking about all the work ahead. And then you look up and still see leaves left to come down. Folks that don’t have Oaks don’t understand. You dont finish them until the following May . Look at my deck. 6-10 “ on the deck . Lollis to 12
  15. I’ll be honest.. nothing stresses me out more than looking out at that. I have already moved my schedule around so I can get a few hours in leaf blowing tomorrow
  16. Yup . I was visiting customers in N MA and there was several blinding Brown outs. Similar to a snow squall. These were leaf squalls . And then I come home and the yard was the thickest and deepest of Oak leaves I have ever seen. In less than a day
  17. That was today with leaf blizzards.. bringing brown outs at times driving. Are you talking HWW type stuff ?
  18. I don’t there has ever been a storm that had that happened like that with snow everywhere except CT. Even Will won’t come up with one.
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