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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Hopefully the Thursday night storm works out for SNE
  2. Lots of dry air on NW side. Check soundings
  3. You have had a deep winter thus far. So has Phin and Slot and Lava and Jayhawks and C and N VT. South of that general line has blown dongs that curve to the left and to the right . We have had no winter . It’s been perpetual spring . Our angst is real
  4. The scientific community calls it PNA though . As far as we know, they always have . It’s either a + or a - PNA in 1984-2022
  5. Just deleted? Why not movEd? There were good posts you got rid of
  6. Glad you are better. But here’s the thing.. it’s always been a cold . Unless underlying conditions, obese etc. The hype and scaring of the American population has been deplorable to watch . The more people that understand in general that’s it’s a cold ,, unless you fall into “said categories “ the faster this nonsense ends Another mild rainy day today and one tomorrow.. and then finally winter sets in later this upcoming week
  7. Dude was .. “ girl it’s right there. What you mean where’s it at “? Lol
  8. This is more like England and Ireland than the PAC NW.. especially in winter
  9. Well if your confused and don’t understand something, please just ask Walt. I’m sure he’d be happy to walk you thru things
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