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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I DVR the last however many innings of the playoff games and watch early AM. Don’t check phone or anything. Do it’s just like watching it live. That way you ensure a good nights sleep , you aren’t losing sleep from being to excited about the win or irritated with the loss. Same thing with a good or bad set of model runs. You are programmed wrong
  2. That’s why you’re always complaining on here and text of being tired and baggy . And it also is why you become so irritable
  3. Got a great nights sleep . 8:45 -4:30. Out running at 4:50. Why would anyone stay up for models all night hitting refresh at midnite when they can see them in the morning and they’ll be different by 6z? Will never ever understand that
  4. What you always fail to recognize is I like sleet and ice. I will gladly take that
  5. My guess is it’ll be more snow than ice . We”ll see how it shakes.
  6. Well if so , hopefully that’s right here. Just cake things in ice
  7. We’d be fine with an icestorm . I’d sign right now but this looks like a rain or snow sounding
  8. I don’t know if anyone should be surprised . The weaker, SE solutions were more likely . It also helps that the system has slowed down coming mainly late afternoon and night
  9. Euro , EPS , GFS , GEFS all came SE for Saturday. Not a swfe but rain to snow or possibly just snow if SE trends continue
  10. Correct. Sleep is the single most important thing humans need . It cures so many evils. Nothing beats 7-8 hours a night. I’m out
  11. Not with this on trending colder each cycle. We feeling beery and snowy
  12. Strongly disagree and so does your chief Ryan . But you certainly could be correct in mild rainer for SNE
  13. Yeah that one. Think we had 5-6” here. Something like that but lower amounts
  14. That’s how I’ve been envisioning it going for the last few days. Likely rain to snow. Something similar perhaps to Dec 8th last year
  15. Ok. We’ll see if it’s a rainer . I do not think it is except for a coast. Probably a rain to snow or icy mix to snow
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