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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Noyes and Nbc30 both rationed accumulating snow in SNE Xmas Day
  2. Amazing how cold 16 degrees and wind felt running this morning. Not really all that cold , but it’s been such a warm fall / early winter
  3. He won’t. He got quite a talking to today from mods. You’ll see different things moving forward . Not a met . Trolls .. and a fake mod. Nothing going for him
  4. This is real cold. Dropped all day here 27.6. CAA cold is ferocious
  5. Only a matter of minutes until Scooter swoops in to say how it’s not
  6. Xmas eve or Day is going to snow in SNE. Look at all the confluence up north pressing . Heavy is the hand. South he comes
  7. He totally lost it last night when I posted VT ended up as the jackpot. Couldn’t bear to see them getting more than his parents cabin on the lake. . Just a huge melt
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