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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Well that never happens like that. Probably a 1 in 50 year thing . It was pure Morch fluff. Vanished 2 days later like a fart under the covers
  2. Yes. That was some type of upslope deal that skipped NW CT hills and most of ORH somehow which I never quite understood. Models kept pegging this area for days. I ended up with 7-8”. It was very mesoscale. I mean you went 2-3 miles in any direction and less elevation and you quickly went to little or no snow. I have never seen something like that here to that degree in all the years here . The cool thing was it was actually falling over the valley as echoes showed the snow there, but it was deposited in the NE CT hills while the valley literally had nothing
  3. Everything really iced over except street. Trees, bricks, deck and car windows
  4. I think shady areas, hilly areas etc can keep it . It’s fluff though
  5. The problem with Xmas Eve.. If we all get 1-3”, it gets to 35-40 Fri pm and melts anything in the sun in certain areas of region . Xmas Day looks like nada basically . This will be nip and tuck for SNE
  6. Certainly better politically down there , less taxes and huge return on cost of living savings. Good luck man . Should see some nice HHH, severe and occasional 75-90 mph remnants of gulf hurricane gusts
  7. Man I wish we lived there now . Not in Napril.. but now .. yes to cocks !
  8. I’m sure it’s just me and my mindset partially to blame. I just despise losing December.. which for all intents and purposes we have . Still holding out some positivity for late month and beyond
  9. I realize that . But I’ve been over this many times. It’s a totally different feeling. How awesome would it be tonight on Dec 21.. 4 days before Xmas to look out at a snowpack . Short days, low sun angle.. holiday spirit .. egg nog and rum in toilets instead of water during flushing .. Morch snows yes .. but it’s just a completely different vibe and feel with warm sun angles, increasing daylight, baseball starting and Truly and White Claws flushing in the toilet
  10. Not in interior areas. I’ll take Dec over spring snow every time . At least it lasts . By Morch it’s time to focus on lawn for upcoming season
  11. I’ll take 31-33 everyday if it would snow. I don’t need cold . But with all of us in SNE at like 2-5” to date, well that’s as bad as it gets. With only about 45-50 days left of what I consider winter.. to say we face an uphill battle in what looks to be either a neutral to unfavorable snow pattern .. it certainly doesn’t warm the cockles of my heart. Still time
  12. When Shabbs is down on winter and ratting it.. yes , I do pay attn
  13. Not at all. But if we’re all still at single digit snowfall amounts on Jan 15 , with a month or so left until spring sun season hits. Then yes
  14. I have some doubts about late month and beyond. It’s rarely if ever winter here when it’s deep winter in PAC NW
  15. What I actually did was question you and your call for white Xmas in a not so desirable setup . Many posters here question you .. whether it’s on the board or behind the scenes
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