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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I mean it’s gonna be 50 there today. Get them to a skateboard park or something. Shoot hoops in the driveway
  2. They thought every winter involved massive coastals and blizzards and feet of snow . That’s just about all they saw except for a winter or two . My point is though, I’ve never seen someone stress so much about kids being inside . Take them out to lunch or a brewery with the wife . Go shopping, movies.. there’s plenty to do
  3. You always have trouble with this. What’s the issue? When mine were young it wasn’t stressful if it was a mild , snowless winter
  4. It’s an early spring in early Morch this winter , so basically 2 months to go
  5. The Sierra got that in a week. So can we !
  6. Yeah . That comment was tongue in cheek . He’s struggled mightily last several years
  7. I don’t see any torch after the cold shot early Jan. Besides DT says deep winter is coming
  8. Well at least it’s snowing somewhere https://blog.palisadestahoe.com/operations/operations-update-resort-road-closures-in-major-storm/
  9. Man, we even lost Jerry to a melt. I actually thought thing looked at least somewhat more promising starting with the storm Jan 3
  10. Look at radar . Putrid .All you need to see. It’s a very minor under inch event
  11. I think 1” or less will do it in all areas . Fragmentation and a mess
  12. We have lost a large majority of posters today . Full on melts and white flag waving . Enjoy the nickels and dimes . These last few winters have been full of them
  13. Let us know how the traffic is heading back to grassy S Wey later
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