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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Scooter has meh’d his way into a nice little snower . Probably starts as rain and flips over
  2. As optimistic as I am feeling on this one, I would sell that hard hard hard
  3. Grinch storm last year did this. Started off at day 8-10 as snow bomb and ended up wiping out snowpack to Quebec
  4. Most of those dropped warning snows that 100% melted in the warm sector
  5. 4-8” of snow then rainy then slot then fropa. Just one of many options all still on table
  6. Not if it washes all of SE Mass snow away in warm sector . Not wanted
  7. Probably 1-3” river west with more out east if trends continue
  8. We did say Wednesday would be the day it would west
  9. Here’s the thing.. the farther west it snows Friday , the more this shifts Monday east
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