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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Focus on the Tuesday clipper. That should be another nice refresher like today at a minimum
  2. I think the valley got hosed because of the warmth lingering longer than modeled
  3. Plows did a good job today . In typical bad nina winters like this .. I look forward to whatever falls. I don’t think we see any big storms this winter . Flow is too fast. But we’ll see
  4. Ended up with 2”. On the lower side of what I thought for sure. Snow fairly wet to shovel so a little meat to it .
  5. All this powder on top of the existing glacier will just blow around in the wind tomorrow . That inch we had the other night blew and drifted all over the place in those 40+ winds the next day
  6. As disturbing a post as the board as ever seen . Hopefully not with the criminals in the precinct
  7. Why? Why would anyone ever stay up late or all night or set alarms to look at a model? They’ll still be there to see in the morning.. along with the 6z . Just totally blows my mind
  8. Morch is going to furnace this year. 2012 like or whenever that one we had with 70’s and 80’s
  9. That model blows. People love it and for any snow events it just struggles
  10. It does look like Tuesday into early Wednesday that clipper may pop with ens showing Miller B possibilities . Certainly not a lock in a typical bad nina winter like this, but something to track
  11. It flipped over at 33.4. Today is off day from running
  12. Up , down .. you innie .. me outtie. You get the gist !
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