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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I don’t think that matters a bit. Euro isn’t particularly useful anymore
  2. Snow begins before the Super Bowl so should be a nice wintry feeling as we drink IPA’s and enjoy the game and kids all get snow day Monday. Probably our last storm with the big pattern change signaled thereafter
  3. Will you lay out a few strips of aluminum foil on the roof outside the bedroom window and sit Indian style with your back to the sun.. allowing for an hour or two of warmth on nape… and maybe a slight T-shirt neck collar tan ?
  4. Especially since it looks like Morch 2012 is about to come knocking on doors
  5. With the exception of a brief cold shot Sunday/ Monday and the slight chance that ocean storm comes back.. I don’t see much winter on the ensembles
  6. Reggie did a bang up job with this today. Quick 1-2” thru midday before the flip . All pavement where salt wasn’t is covered
  7. Hopefully onto something. They’ll probably meet in the middle ultimately
  8. It does now have ensemble support. That looks like it’s the pattern changer and we end winter a few days after with Western trough and huge SE ridge .
  9. Yup . The meat stays.. the bones and fat discarded
  10. Maybe the sooner it gets in, better chance of slamming down 1-3” of snow before column warms
  11. That’s interesting since most stuff has it mid- late afternoon into night. If something starts tomorrow morning that’s totally different than other guidance
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