But it cannot happen in the current climate regime . And that’s my argument . It’s not luck that E CT to S Wey to the north shore all have 50-60” in 55 days this winter . It’s science
Well that was always silly. We don’t DS here. Dec 92 and Morch 14 showed that . An 1,000 foot hilltop doesn’t downslope . DS is the CT and Pioneer Valley . How’d they do in those particular 2 events ?
It could just be cyclical or Scooters “regression” which I have never bought one bit. That’s the same as luck. Weather happens for scientific reasons.. reasons we will all never fully understand or grasp .. But it’s been an undeniable trend since the 80’s. Maybe it continues east out into ocean the next 25?
The old days of the 80’s growing up . NW CT always jacked . There were never the E Mass jacks other than the rare blizzard of 78 type storm . It was always the deep interior. So something has definitely shifted over these past 25 years. Even my area now.. I have done better than I ever used to do . I’d always get like 14-16 in the biggies . Over the last decade I have jacked or come close more than ever . The pattern has definitely shifted east