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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Days 10-15? I mean how many times do people get creamy in jeans in winter over a 10-14 day prog of 480 thicknesses.. only to have them modify and mute into near normal or normal . The same applies here. The whole heat brigade could easily flood east . All it takes is one EPS run and we’ll know it’s coming
  2. Ryan has 80-85 everyday next week and sunny .. yet saying Models are cold .. lol
  3. 80’s all next like you have in forecast is fine for mid June
  4. Look at the bashes the dude throws. They wild
  5. Yeah that dirty N Atlantic Ocean is a beast. I always say .. if you are a summer /warm wx fan.. you’ve got to move as far away from it as possible. Great example .. you’ve got Scooter craving heat and dews .. yet he lives on the beach in S . Wey . Can’t have both
  6. On average.. how many chewables/ gummies do you consume daily . Or if it’s easier .. per week?
  7. I could be misremembering.. but I would swear I’ve seen at least several posts where you’ve been complaining about rain and cold and winter pattern in summer over the last few weeks. . Am I misremembering? Do you get those days with strong E coast ridging and no troughing?
  8. And I’ll cite another example.. last week you had all the EMATT folks complaining about a week of clouds, no sun and cool.. while areas west of 495 had sun and summer . Yet today .. those same EMATT were saying best summer ever.. coc ks everywhere including across cheeks..Yet .. if you go back to their posts last week.. it was all complaints. Again.. you don’t get that in a hot and muggy east coast pattern. It’s so ridiculous when you look at the posts. Most in the know just snicker
  9. When you don’t enjoy or want summer .. and you want troughs .. this is what you get up there. If I were you.. I’d be rooting this pattern to end .. which it may start to evolve into much sooner than models show. You don’t get this up there with HHH
  10. Some guy in Boston thinks they’re not seeing 80+ thru day 10.. yet they’ll hit it tomorrow for starters
  11. Ryan has 80’s in the 10 day in CT everyday other than Sunday . Yet reading the last few pages you’d think it’s not warm and summer Where do these people even come from?
  12. Last time anyone checked 75/85 with days of dews interspersed with Coc k days is summer . it’s been warm since May with AN in means. BOS had 5th warmest spring on record. and the HHH Locks in for JAS the slightly AN June will be but a forgotten memory .
  13. Fish agrees on shorts season.. never understood the pants fetish when it’s mild
  14. Wow that’s awesome! I miss those guys. Dry springs do that
  15. Just one wet Ffftttttt.. and a quick glance around the bar.. everyone knew what had happened
  16. Saturday totally whiffs south ASOUT . Hopefully tomorrow morning is a soaker with inches and tors .. otherwise Stein wins
  17. Lol that is priceless . I may be misremembering.. but I’m pretty sure that’s where Ray let a “wet one” loose
  18. Summers linger well into falls.like your farts in a bar
  19. Wish the dews were higher but still fairly dewy today , so we’ll take it for early June. Plenty of Hot, humid wx to come our way the next 3.5 months. Long long one to go
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