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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Let’s see.. how is Stein going to screw us today??? Oh I see… southerly flow and stable air
  2. There’s guys in this thread that have posted it’s been cold . Someone or two used their heat in NNE
  3. Looks furnace and dewy all next week
  4. Probably a good idea to sell the HRRR. Nothing else has anything like that other than hit/ miss showers
  5. He has serious problems. He simply loves droughts
  6. Lol .. B double ee double run .. beer run. I don’t hate it . Nor do I hate this
  7. And lastly . when my time comes.. someone here.. amongst my friends , haters .. whomever.. please play and dedicate this to me Or if you prefer the beast Chris Stapleton version
  8. If your’re religious.. you relate to this
  9. I’m not trying to dictate what people like or should listen to . In this community.. theres not a lot of country fans . Imagine Forky listening to a solid country song .. but it is some of the best music out there . I’m not into pop country . I like down home .. legit country like Combs, Shelton , Eric Church etc . I just happen to think Luke Combs is one of the most talented musicians we have seen in many years . Sure a lot of songs have beer in them .. but country music in general you can find beer, whisky etc in probably 1/4 to 1/2 of all songs .
  10. Just watch the video and listen to the song
  11. Luke Combs is fantastic. I get county isn’t for everyone. In this community .. there’s a lot of “anti country” I never used to like it, but now it’s a huge part of my life and music repertoire. As is rock, metal , and rap . I don’t know how anyone that is a music fan, is sociable, and liked to have fun could watch this video and not feel good . The last part with the buddies ripping beers , hang by the campfire.. that’s what life’s about . Having fun. Whether you drink beer or not .
  12. Hands down .. one of the best songs ever written And followed closely by this .. just crack em , pour em’ and drink em’
  13. Looking more and more like a mainly dry fropa with a few widely scattered showers / quick pours
  14. We may need to snowblow the lawn to remove the powder
  15. Just throwing a Stein deform back across the region
  16. The dude is here to stay . Stein sitting on faces , spinning
  17. Modelology for you? And here I thought we were CT brethren?
  18. I am here for the science and the learning .. and that’s it .
  19. A very confused poster seemed to be making a weather forecast with an op run snapshot
  20. It’s been a mess this weekend to be sure,, .. i don’t think anyone would deny that ..but the end is close now . Onto bigger and better weather
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