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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. As soon as you’d grass begins greening.. growing season starts. That’s late Morch especially there on the coastal plain .
  2. Pretty late for the Lesco weed killer. You may have missed window . Once it germinates, forget it. Usually early Napril it’s applied .
  3. Yeah .. his growing season starts late Morch fake freezes or not
  4. No frost or freeze. Similar to October now. Radiator cold and that’s it . 36.3
  5. Oaks are a week or so away from hitting . But maples , willows, Birch etc all opening slowly . Spring in full gear all over SNE.
  6. We sure do at 1k. Everything is blooming. Flowering shrubs etc
  7. Don’t touch the weed . Never have never will. Get outside in this great wx instead of eating and posting indoors
  8. Despite all the gloom and doom and hang wringing over fake modelology that will never happen over the next couple weeks.. it’s deep spring out there. Everything is blooming and growing . Leaf out beginning on some species and will accelerate with the warm sunny days thru Sunday.
  9. Resorts are shutting down and Freak in an excitable posting frenzy like Ginx in a Minot , ND blizzard
  10. Yup. Not saying it’s been a torch or beautiful.. but thus far.. this spring by SNE standards.. it’s been fairly nice overall .
  11. Next week looks like 60’s most days .especially inland . And may be fairy dry
  12. Maybe NW Mass.. but south of you there isn’t anyone that can say this has been a bad month . If the AEMATT folks are saying it. It’s real and a bit less than spectacular.
  13. Dude.. there’s been countless posters this weekend saying how nice a month it has been. Even the usual Debbie’s agreed. Especially in your area . But even ENE has been good overall. All the rains have been at night and it’s been mild to warm
  14. Ryan’s got 60’s in CT all next week on 10 day. Looks fine . It’s not a super warm or hot pattern, but it’s nice overall
  15. Well remember when there was all the whining and worrying in late Morch and early Napril about how bad the month looked and how miserable? Pope even posted he wouldn’t see 60 again for a month at one point and he hit it at least 6 times . Instead it’s turned into one of the nicer Napril’s we’ve had in many years.. and the next 5-7 days look really nice .. especially Friday- Monday . I take the EPS and shove it
  16. How’d they do long range all winter? Asking for a friend in the church …
  17. It looks like a bunch of 65-72 degree days with cool nights. Should be ideal for tans, leaf out and lawn mowing season to begin.
  18. That is chilly . You’re slowly coming around though.
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