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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Perfect Stein weather for foliage and grass. This is why it started with the dry dews of May and June
  2. We’ve been over this several times..but will mention again.. The confused emojis mean the person who made the post is confused about what they posted.. in this case the poster may be confused about needing a sweater
  3. Stein getting absolutely wasted . Just ripping thru cheese , charcuterie boards and glasses of wine
  4. Nice ! You love to see it . Looked just like that here until this week . Stein is trapped within your fences
  5. I added to my post . Dude had melted doo flowing into his pool from all the rain and high humidity
  6. We most certainly did not It was the most humid month in SNE history with 14” of rain from daily HHH and tstorms . There was no cold fronts with days of dry cocks
  7. Brown back up as we head into met fall
  8. You use Steins name enough .. he lets you get out of the shed to breathe from time to time before pulling you back in. Just ask Tbliss. Dudes at like 6” MTD
  9. Seems like yesterday I was running in sunshine at 4:55 AM. Now it’s just running in warm darkness all fall and winter
  10. Today was the first run in total darkness of the season. Even Monday was a bit light by the time I got home. Now that does suck
  11. Our leaf blowing done by Helloween with high and drunk pumpkins smiling and winking . Fully leafed trees at Stowe with green sober pumpkins
  12. Tonight a great example. Much of VT will probably get 1”+. While most of SNE gets under .2.. some get none . But then some storm on Labor Day drops 2” in a narrow area in SNE
  13. I bet the peak seasonal foliage maps are reversed this year . SNE peak early Oct while Freaks area peaks early Nov
  14. You get rains almost daily . Ours has come in short intervals . I went 15-16 days of nothing . Big big difference. You aren’t comparing apples to apples
  15. I’m not sure why you keep saying Tolland County other than to illicit a responsible SNE from me .. which you’ve achieved. Our area has been far from a jackpot . That blue dot map is horrific btw. Why not post SB actual qpf anomaly map ? As an example in July Stafford to my north had 4-5”.. I had 2.82 . That awful map also has Scooters area and just south as a Jack and they’ve been close one of the driest. I mean lol
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