Until the big cat 2 or higher cane LF up thru the CTRV in September which can help dent the drought to the west … we just dig in and hope for best , but prepare for worst
The Coc k boys have 4 days left in the period . And then they disappear, stop posting other than a whine here and there about dews . Knock knock … who’s there… dews…. Dews who…. Dews in your face
There’s a few at BOX that absolutely do exactly that. They never talked about dews and Coc ks until the last few years.And then starting next week into October with dews everyday.. what will the be left with?
Because when you don’t have it in June .. it’s going to come later and longer longer and stronger . You guys that like Coc k .. you’re robbing Peter to pay Paul. That’s how weather works