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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Lol .. tossing soccer kids around field . Priceless
  2. That is not at all what I said . Go back and actually read. I had light showers and under .25 here
  3. At least folks can get out this afternoon and mow or blow leaves or seed
  4. You were talking about flooding and soaking rains to the pike . I mean lol. One of your worst ones yet. And there’s been many
  5. .04 and light showers just about done here.. but at least it’s cold and feels like fall
  6. Your convection Rob moisture transport was very evident on the dry models yesterday
  7. He’s legit. Name is Steel Beans. Imagine being able to play guitar, drums and sing at same time and sound great. And hang the beer belly out . Love it
  8. This guy knows how to rock a Friday night. Guy is freaking great
  9. Honey.. check out this tube of chapstick I found in my parka. Need any? As soon as I’m done canning the organic applesauce, I’ll show you the chapstick I found
  10. 2 things to watch . 1- LL dry air with strong High to north 2- Offshore convection robbing moisture transport .( Scooter’s #1 rule) I’m thinking under .25 this area
  11. Couple showers seems the best idea away from the coast
  12. Nam guys just pumping and thrusting hips into it .. will get burned with gonorrhea just like winter.
  13. We’ve been over this numerous times.. when someone clicks a confuse on a post.. it means the poster who made the post is very confused.
  14. I’m thinking anything north of 95 is mainly light and spotty .
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