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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Should get to 32 or below here Wed or Thursday
  2. It might change sure. Was just stating what they currently show. I have a feeling mid—late Nov and especially December are the only good winter months
  3. Nov looks wintry. Weeklies and CFS long range
  4. Bait on hook … fish takes hook.. line sinks, fish reeled in .. Pole drop
  5. He’s not good . Huge GFS humper . Anything that shows drought .. he drops trow
  6. Theres no such thing as too early for yardwork. No different than snow blowing at 5:00 AM
  7. Get the Stihl backpack blower out tomorrow. Blow those things the hell away and start at 7:00 AM. I plan to
  8. I just don’t get why Dendy felt the need to ban him . It’s a weather board. No one cares what is said in banter stuff. And then he doesn’t respond when you ask him about why he banned him
  9. Will you unban your ban and let him back?
  10. 2.02” final. Sun out shortly. Enjoy the rainy day out that way
  11. 2.00” on the nose . No more rain till Xmas please
  12. Just Poundmetown right now. Already closing in on 1” here. Rain train and Fanny train. Pounders . Starting to wonder if we see 8-12”
  13. These feeder bands mean business . One just went thru with roaring wind and heavy heavy rain
  14. Thinking 50 ish here and 65+ there . Like what HRRR shows
  15. Gfs has nailed this several days ago . Thing is going to track up over NYC and just east of Berks
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