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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. TOOORRRCCHH!!!! https://x.com/bamwxcom/status/1833525968465506709?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  2. I’d say BDL should go 80+ 8-14 times starting Wednesday thru end of month.
  3. @dendriteAs an example.. Stein is known everywhere. Please add the emoji . https://x.com/ericfisher/status/1833161671725982118?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  4. Don’t people work at BDL and live , play, and drink in downtown BTV on the Lake?
  5. We are talking about places like BDL, BTV etc . If they’re 85-90.. that’s impressive
  6. This is weeks of 80’s, not 70’s. That’s a long period of mid summer warmth deep into Sept and Oct
  7. 80’s for 2-4 weeks straight would be pretty pretty deep should it happen. Add on a flash drought and we wild.
  8. I’ve got same thing but about 10-12 of them . Just digging hell out of lawn with this massive acorn crop this year . It’s very triggering
  9. Last autumnal like day until some time in Roctober. Hard to fathom
  10. Trust me .. every forum gets it . They all come here and read ours. Secondly.. it’s well known outside this forum. People @Steim him on Twitter . Buddies call him that etc…
  11. You guys that plant weeds and meadows for lawns just don’t get it.
  12. For newly overseeded lawn and soil moisture.. that did nothing . It’s been dry the past two weeks so everything is dried out. Full sun and low dews and heat this week.. it’s very concerning
  13. He’s been waiting 2 years for this. He is so back ! https://x.com/growingwisdom/status/1832741799489651044?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
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