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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. There’s zero chance he’s not back next year. He wins the MVP which is a lock .. it’s going to be a record contract . Yanks brass gambled and lost. He gambled on himself and will not only get to stay in NY where he wants to play , but also walks away with a record deal . I know so many Sox fans that are rooting for him. You simply can’t root against him. He’s just that good of a guy . He is exactly what baseball needed . He has brought back so many that gave up on the best game there is
  2. Most importantly. Judge hit #54 today as the chase for 62 gets more real by the day . I’ve had him pegged at 62 since July 1.. but maybe he goes higher
  3. Mossup is going to be close to ground zero. Look at that radar lining up to run a choo choo on him . He’s already reporting street flooding on his hilltop
  4. You are going to be close to ground zero there I think. Boundary will stall over or just south of you
  5. The one constant on every model. Stein has both cheeks planted squarely on the Cape. So strange how it just doesn’t rain there anymore last couple years
  6. Heading right at Spanks and Runaway. So jealous . Please get video guys!
  7. Boundary definitely slipped south of here over the last 30 minutes. Sunny breaks gone , temp and dew sliding back
  8. That’s kind of how I figured . Wasn’t going to be those 4-8” widespread amounts. It may be Ginx area that sees 8-10”+
  9. Will it fill in over other areas 90 south or is it just the huge downpours vs showers moving in and out ?
  10. Every piece of Doo will be washed due East to Taunton in that rain train ? Tbliss mowing running over massive piles that were deposited like glacial till from Mossup
  11. Hoist the Sultan in Mossup . Inches incoming . Doo jamming storm drains
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