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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. What are thoughts on where the IVT sets up after midnight into early morning?
  2. Things slickening up quickly . 26.8. We’ll see how the night goes
  3. Starting to stick to driveways and street as intensity picks up . 28.0
  4. This definitely came in much sooner than I was thinking. Solid dusting on the grass already
  5. Big fluffy flakes falling . Snow growth is good
  6. Nice.. so I’ll be able to be awake for a good portion of it . Will get up around 1:00 or so to see where norlun has set up
  7. What timeframe does it look like is best in terms of heaviest snow. I’m hoping most of it holds off until after 3:30 to maximize accumulation on roads
  8. Glad you made it safe. The Tolland triangle has made many a strong man disappear. If you liked those.. wait until you try Treehouse , Trillium etc
  9. This is gonna be a fluffbomb with great snow growth. A few towns - areas are going to get double digits from this.
  10. Yeah but I don’t like how things trended across the board. Now I have to worry if the snow we get tonight gets completely washed away late week instead of having nothing to worry about and just enjoying this one
  11. Looking forward to tonight’s event. It’s been a long, impatient wait . Hopefully can keep it around even if it does rain late week
  12. Still time to go back to a more favorable result but we’ll need to see those trends start today . If it still looks like this 24 hours from now most of New England is in trouble
  13. I see a ton of spread there..with mean off NJ
  14. Yes sir. Be hoppy was it. Luke liked the Voodoo Ranger by New Belgium
  15. They had Wormtown, Voodoo Ranger and Pulp Daddy. Not great , not awful. I had one of each, but knowing I had 45 minute drive home switched to lightweight Guinness
  16. Remember when Ekster ripped the golf cart across the green?
  17. The way he putting back IPA’s.. I was impressed and worried at the same time
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