This storm is Grade A example 1 of why Dec snow is 100x better than Morch snow. This will be otg all week with little water content despite sun and 30-35. This would vanish in Morch sun faster than Brady’s collapse this year
I’m not sure if we can trend it enough for an all snow event but I do think we have a good shot at a net gain whether that’s snow to mix/rain ending as snow or some semblance of that. I think the cutter up the HRV or CTRV idea has vanished
I looped ALB radar 2 hours ago and saw it and made a post about it . You could see it starting then . I still think we see a 6-10” zone somewhere in Central MA/ CT. Didn’t get the bust /early over calls .But maybe they’ll be right
This will be one of those deals where folks call bust and mail it in and then as the ULL dives SE the snow blossoms and regenerates and drops another 1-3/2-4
We haven’t even figured out Fridays storm yet in terms of mix/ ice/ rain / snow. My guess says snow to mix rain but net gain and then quick freeze behind front. Tremendous amount of spread on ens.