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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. I think the 18z Nam will tell the tale of how this shakes out
  2. In the past when it’s been warmest .. how has it turned out? Good or bad
  3. Based on what I’ve seen it’s likely to start as rain or a mix and if the dynamics change lay out as modeled.. it would switch to snow in the pre dawn hours and then flip back to rain once heavy precip moves north?
  4. Ball bags and boob sags all over that map.. Ball bags even on top of saggy boobs in one case .
  5. Out of curiosity.. which one verifies /scores better on soundings?
  6. Not yet. I’ll hold off till 3:00 PM I doubt we’ll know what actually will happens until it’s this until it’s happening.
  7. Still so many questions in the marginal areas. Just trying to think of any similar setups like this
  8. A melt? Not at all . I always worry about weather. You know that . That’s all I’m saying
  9. Weather is always a worry to me. I literally can’t help it. It’s just inherently built into my programming . When it snows, I worry about when it might melt, when it’s supposed to snow I worry about Ray getting more, when it’s supposed to be windy I worry about what if if there’s no damage
  10. You should write a letter to the folks at ECMWF and tell them how you really feel
  11. I have a bad , depressing feeling about this . I lost all the positive vibes I was feeling yesterday. Are you thinking that falls on the backside tomorrow night?
  12. This area could see 2” or 10”. It’s either 32.7 paste or 33.2 rain with back end snow . Just wish there was clarity
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