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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. It’s rare to have it get NW of this area too. I don’t recall many
  2. Should be a wild game to watch tonight in Buffalo in raging Lake effect snowstorm
  3. That’s a beast event up there fellas. One of the best in many years .Trees down, power out.. deep pack.. Nice base builder and should ensure a white Xmas assuming the Euros not right. I wish we were there.
  4. Nice burst of snow moving thru here . Looks like the low was 31.3 overnight .32 now
  5. 7.0”season Just got back from running. It was super slick. Plow finally came as I was on last mile .
  6. I am quite sure there’s data that someone here can provide. The event is at day 5.5-6.. so there’s plenty of time to correct to all other guidance
  7. So the GEFS with their severe SE bias are already that close in . That tells you all you need to know where this is likely going
  8. Based on 18z stuff. I guess I it’s possible we can grab an inch overnight after midnight. It’s all I’ve got
  9. Not if their parents are snow weenies. Those parents are angry and will burn scalps with curling irons
  10. Sounds great . The children can sled down the frozen waterfalls in lawns left from the squalline the day before on their new toboggan’s
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