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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. This record futile winter makes 11-12 look like a blockbuster.
  2. I honestly truly believe BDL, BDR are almost locked for record low snow year. I think ORH is 50/50. I can see that one going either way. I’d love a few big snowstorms .. I honestly don’t think the pattern will alllow it south of the MA/NH/ VT border this year . I know there’s a few posters here calling for big snows in Morch. I just don’t see that as even a small possibility. That doesn’t mean they’re wrong . I hope they crush it and I walk away with a Scarlett L on my forehead. To answer your question.. I covet a huge icestorm before my time on Earth is complete. So I would prefer that . Just as I want a cat 3 cane hit . I’m sure neither will happen , but I’ll continue hoping
  3. I’m 17 miles south of 90 .. so anywhere 90 south is not getting any snow . What I am thinking is a few Inches of sleet from about ORH to Ray and south of there to about a DXR to HVN to NW RI then to north shore of BOS line mainly a zr deal .At least as of now . The extreme and record -PNA combined with that monster SE ridge will ensure there is not suppression next week and all of Morch
  4. You can picture hundreds.. potentially thousands of screen doors ripped right from hinges from NE to SW
  5. He was talking about this coming week . Not the same ole pattern in Morch
  6. Seems like icestorm is becoming real possibility
  7. You be the nicest? They just dropped this song. She absolutely rips it
  8. All 3 of them look very iffy in SNE. Wouldn’t take much to see all 3 mainly non frozen . Still seems to be like a NNE pattern overall
  9. Yup. There’s a whole bunch of stuff going on and the coverups and lies are laughable . 18 and wind feels cold this morning.
  10. Without looking. Did the 18z GFS go the other way ?
  11. Yes. They happen all year no matter the weather. In all seriousness, there’s probably 20+ almost every month . There was a terrible accident this week. 2 actually. One Tuesday and one Wednesday. I drive it almost daily . They’ve done countless studies on it. I’m sure most posters here have driven that stretch at some point. It’s not particularly windy or curvy, there’s nothing to the naked eye that screams danger. There are a few gentle bends as you go up the hill and then down towards 68(Uconn exit) . But nothing that should cause the massive issues . And the scariest part is many of them are with critical injuries or deadly . When my daughters were in the middle school there was a journalist heading to the school to do a story . I think was from Southbury or that area.. it was winter, but no snow or any OTG. Car flipped into the median and died, another time a state trooper was in breakdown lane was rear ended and killed instantly . There’s countless truck fires. It is absolutely governed by some higher power . Not a doubt in my mind
  12. Watch for 84 to shut down between exits 68-69 shortly as it’s now below 32. Probably already over 100 accidents in 2023
  13. Hey.. if I thought things looked great and the pattern was changing , I’d be on your boat . I just see the same gradient pattern , blocking that probably won’t happen , and a constant-PNA. I think the differences lie in that you believe the members that show the block. I do not
  14. No qualms with that . All sides have laid out their reasoning. Some will be right and some wrong .
  15. At some point you’ve got to just admit the winter was a bust. The winter, all the forecasts etc. Continuing to post that things look snowy and confidence of snowy outcomes becomes like the fabled boy who cried wolf. There’s nothing more I’d like than a few snowstorms, but I think that is very unlikely outside of NNE. That’s my opinion and take based on what I see. You and Luke could of course be right
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