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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Thought he was going to NH and staying in Jackson . Is Kiss in town ? https://twitter.com/bob_robertnash/status/1612556760463597571?s=46&t=08ghPCSWmh6deYqHacikMQ
  2. There’s a ton of antique places up there, ski museums etc. Don’t let vacation be ruined! Make lemonade out of a lemon!
  3. Why hasn’t there been much if any upslope this winter after each cutter? It’s rain after rain after rain and no upslope on NW flow
  4. Man lots and lots of rains coming to all’s. From the mountains to the seas
  5. This was quite possibly my first and last snowy run of winter 2023 until next fall/ winter.
  6. So far this spring has been wet and rainy and mild .
  7. Did that after the first rainer pre Xmas . The last six have drained right down. Suggest you do same before this one??
  8. Nice subtle change of wording there. Get out there and enjoy that 1-3” at the snow stake today ! Jelly
  9. I think what’s happening here is NNE is now feeling the pain SNE has felt all winter missing all the snow events with Rainers. NNE had several pre Xmas . Now with everyone in the same boat with more rain coming , the pain has spread north and the frustrations are coming out . SNE is now just to point that we laugh and don’t care anymore
  10. Start looking into antiquing shops and museums and indoor activities
  11. Yup . I realized that a month ago . Onwards and upwards
  12. Not a surprise .. nothing to stop this from continuing
  13. Going to be precious little frozen anywhere if the warm trends continue unfortunately
  14. Nothing to stop that continued north trend. Likely coming way north . Still 4-5 days of trending
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