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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. ULL going out south . Ginx rule in place for Friday
  2. Seems like most turn to snow on Friday well south and east of pike with ULL snows . Not saying that happens at all. As Will has said .. it’s likely going to shift east north
  3. Most guidance has a flip to snow for most of SNE away from coast. Why the hand wringing ? Is it cuz of SE Mass?
  4. There’s a cold press this time with nosing high. Not retreating . Trend should be south with more confluence.
  5. More like we haven’t lacked rain. 9 of them since the last snowfall.. well prior to your snowfall last nite
  6. Did you E Mass folks keep the snow today or did it melt?
  7. Not at all. I think as we keep seeing colder trends and models sniffing out CAD in western zones we may see more ice modeled in coming runs We’ll see
  8. Sleety look . Can envision a 32-34 zone of sleet prior to any flip to snow. GGEM had more zr look in hilly terrain . Sneaky but weak cad
  9. Might have to consider significant icing Pike south Thursday night
  10. Sure because you’ll Dilf your way to Brokeback to find the snow up north . So of course you like it
  11. It’s just gotten so old. Model showing favorable conditions for snow and each time it falls apart . This next so called pattern change looks to favor primarily NNE. From about C or SC VT/ NH south is going to be a struggle
  12. Dec and Jan fully lost now. Only 1 month left
  13. Ray and Ginx and S shore and N shore and FMH and S Wey all supposedly had heavy snow according to you . At one point you had me snowing
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