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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Trying to keep it green but he’s hit hard . Neighbors lawns torched . And a whiff tomorrow night . Since I aerated and had it over seeded it’s rained twice . With an 18 day in a row stretch of no rain and a 10 day stretch .18 this month He arrived late, but dropped anchor
  2. Congrats on everything and stealing rain
  3. It would go up in a second today . Low RH, strong winds no rain in months, dry leaves and vegetation .
  4. And prior runs had 40’s and 1-2” south of 90 . Still garbage . A few I know of were giving it some weight.
  5. Used to be November when it would settle in. Now wtf knows
  6. In the winter we’d be losing shit .
  7. Sprinklers continue . Might be acorn removal day tomorrow
  8. Sun looks like it comes out tomorrow afternoon. Just can’t get out of Stein’s webbed grip south of pike and west of ORH to PVD
  9. Had a good time down in Steinahatchee….
  10. Euro once again falls flat on its face and bows to GFS . Most rain now north of pike into NNE while south gets scattered showers
  11. 70’s next weekend into following week . Torch!
  12. Torch look late next week into end of month
  13. Best pepper year ever. The plants took off in September. I have probably 20-25 on the vines and new flowers
  14. Still watering here. Need to keep the new areas of lawn growing and lush. Still have tons of peppers both flowering and growing. Won’t be a freeze here next week either
  15. Euro is wet and gfs is not Sunday night . To Stein or not to stein. Setup suggests wagons north like GFS but hope for Euro
  16. Seems like wagons north on anything over a few showers. At least in CT . Just over an inch here since Aug 20 or so
  17. And the gentle sound of acorns pounding down off of everything in the wind. You think to yourself..” how can there be any left up there.. there’s 200.000 on the ground”. And then buckets more pelt down
  18. Nothing like dragging sprinklers around on Oct 10.
  19. They’ve still got tomorrow morning to verify
  20. Yes there most definitely was posters expecting heavy frosts this week in SNE. Several of them
  21. Didn’t several posters in SNE mention heavy frosts all this week were coming? Who has seen one in SNE? Post em up!
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